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New album  アルバム「金と銀」 7月7日 発売



中村尚子ピアノ 土屋祐介ガットギター 野々口毅フレットレスベースの3人がオリジナル曲やクラシックの名曲をユニークな解釈で演奏していきます! 
クラシックをリスペクトしつつ確かなテクニックに基づいたJAZZならではの大胆な切り込みが冴え渡る。クラシックの名曲「金と銀」そしてブラームスのピアノ曲もこんな彼らの手に掛かれば、こんなにもPOP! まさにジャンルに囚われない新しいシーンを見せてくれる。





 new cd   2014.07.07 on sale


Unique works played delicately like classical and bold like Jazz.

At times the tone is soft. At times it is sharp. It changes like the blue sky which spreads above us.

“We'll play a tone that is accurate like classical and daring like Jazz. It will tug at your heart strings,”

Showko Nakamura plays the piano, Yusuke Tsuchiya plays the classical guitar, and Takeshi Nonoguchi plays the fretless bass. These three will play their newly written music and famous classical works interpreted in their own unique way.

The fully experienced three will now take on the challenge of turning classical music into Jazz The playfulness put into the work is irresistible.

Using solid technique they characterize the classical music with bold Jazz-like interpretations, while paying respect to the original music.

Even Gold and Silver and piano music by Brahms will turn into pop music at their hands. The prospects will be new and free of genre.

The newly written music will also be new and delightful to hear, as the music will not necessarily be played in four like in ordinary Jazz. (Nonoguchi's performances are highly praised by Mr. Lee Ritenour)


2. 大地と風と鳥と

3. 金と銀

4. A・E・E・A

5. 晩鐘 L’Angélus

6. Intermezzo op.118-2より

7. かはたれとき

8. A River Runs Through It

9. 砂と氷

10. ペパーミントと春の・・・

11. K’S NOTE



  •  Silver Street Records

  • SSR-140701

  • ASIN: B00KNI346G



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